Tax audit support services

Tax audit is a procedure in which an individual or a business entity may become involved, based on criteria for selected tax audits determined by the Tax Administration. A tax audit constitutes a time-consuming process, and often taxpayers accept the final tax assessment in order to extricate themselves from such time and cost consuming proceedings. A preventive approach strategy is required to ensure preparedness for tax audits and potential variations with tax authorities.

Ecovis Onetax is capable of providing comprehensive services to individuals and legal entities regarding issues that may arise from any audits conducted by the competent Public Revenue Services (ELKE - Tax Offices), the High Wealth of Individuals Taxpayers Center (KEFOMEP), and the Financial Crime Prosecution Body (SDOE). At all stages of a tax audit, our specialized personnel, in collaboration with tax law experts, provide all necessary guidance required for each case we undertake.


  • Provision of Tax Consulting Services and general Advisory Services during tax audits.

  • Identification and quantification of the tax risk potentially affecting your business.

  • Provision of legal support, in collaboration with specialized tax lawyers, for addressing complex tax-related or corporate governance issues, both in advisory and litigation capacities.

  • Services for drafting and submitting appeals to the Dispute Resolution Directorate (DED).

  • Preemptive tax audit.

  • Tax planning for expatriates.

  • Tax audit of transactions with related parties (transfer pricing transactions).

  • Special tax compliance issues for individuals.